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Washington Life Insurance laws & HR compliance analysis

Washington Life Insurance: What you need to know 

Employers have no obligation under Washington law to offer life insurance to their employees. However, if group life insurance is among the benefits offered to workers, certain minimum requirements must be satisfied (WA Rev. Code Sec. 48.24.010et seq.).
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Group characteristics. The group to be insured must consist of at least two people. The group must include all employees belonging to the class defined as eligible for coverage. The employees eligible for insurance under the policy may be all of the employees of the employer, or all of any class of employees defined by employment-related factors. The term “employees” may include the employees of one or more subsidiary corporations, and the employees, individual proprietors, and partners of one or more affiliated corporations, proprietors, or partnerships that are under common control. Employees may include the individual proprietor or partners if the employer is an individual proprietor or a partnership and may also include retired employees.
Beneficiary. The employee may name anyone except the employer as beneficiary. If there is no designated beneficiary, up to the greater of 10 percent of the coverage or $1,000 may be paid to an individual who incurred funeral or other expenses incident to the last illness or death of the individual insured.
Employer/employee contributions. Employers may pay all or part of the cost of group insurance, or employees may be required to pay the full cost. If the employer pays the entire premium, the policy must insure all eligible and insurable employees.
Dependent coverage. Coverage may be extended to employees' spouses and dependent children with no minimum participation requirement. Employers may, but are ...

>> Read more about Life Insurance 

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